Friday, 10 December 2021

End of year Inquiry Data and Success!

Many students made significant gains in their mid-year PM test. 

There were significant gains made by children who began at Level 14 (Reading age 6 years) (Chron age 8 years) who at their mid year test were reading at Level 21 (Reading age 8 years)

I have designed tasks that are specifically re-tell, prediction and making connections to the text as well as learning about specific parts of words.

In the middle of Term 3 we went into a long lockdown online learning period. This halted most of the progress these children made and many did not return in Term 4 for me to test. I can only use the mid year data and any running records I took in Term 3 to form a picture of where the children are now at.

I am happy with the progress they made and can only imagine how successful they would have been without the lockdown interruption.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Inquiry 2021

I have a group of children who didn't achieve as they should on their end of year running records due to the comprehension. They have very good decoding skills so I plan to use the Quick 60 programme and specific teaching prompts to encourage the use of rich vocabulary and conversational oral language to strengthen comprehension by introducing follow up conversations to my lessons. 

At the start of the lesson children will repeatedly read their known books to help them become familiar with text and develop fluency. 

They will do tasks after reading that develop skills in looking for information in their text and answering both inferential and literal questions. 

Teacher Inquiry 2024

This year my area of focus for Inquiry is Mathematics.  This is the first year in many years that I have taught Mathematics in the classroom...