Friday, 6 March 2020

Change of Practice

I wanted to see if by changing the emphasis in some parts of my lessons I could encourage more conversation and richer language.  When the children arrive in my room at the start of their lessons they read their known books from their book boxes.  There is just a short time available to discuss the books because Quick 60 requires a new book every day.

I have decided that this year I will change the programme up slightly to give myself more time to encourage these discussions.  I will introduce two new books each week, giving the lessons a longer time slot for reading the previous books and discussing them.

My hope is that by doing this the children will develop a greater understanding of the texts, better fluency and phrasing and strengthen their comprehension through conversation.

Teacher Inquiry 2024

This year my area of focus for Inquiry is Mathematics.  This is the first year in many years that I have taught Mathematics in the classroom...